
me tengo que quitar de unas cuantas cosas...

PD: 50 cosas que tengo que abandonar

50 things to give up After years of claiming tenacity as a virtue, I concede that many of my bumps and bruises come from my relentlessness. Yes, there are some things worth giving up!Monday

  • 1. Give up trying to be perfect. Excellence is worth the pursuit – until it is always "just ahead." At that point you might just be bogged down in perfectionism.
  • 2. Give up comparing yourself to others. The only person you're competing with is yourself.
  • 3. Give up dwelling on the past or worrying too much about the future. If you can't do anything about it —just let it go.
  • 4. Give up complaining. Do something about it (if you can or want to)—or be quiet.
  • 5. Give up holding grudges. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness.
  • 6. Give up waiting. Napolean Hill said, "Procrastination is the bad habit of putting of until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday".
  • 7. Give up lying. In the long-run the truth always reveals itself. Either you own up to your actions or your actions will ultimately own you.
  • 8. Give up trying to avoid mistakes. "If youre not making mistakes, then youre not doing anything. Im positive that a doer makes mistakes". — John Wooden
  • 9. Give up saying, "I can't." As Henry Ford put it, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are right."
  • 10. Give up trying to be everything to everyone. "...the key to failure is trying to please everybody."
  • 11. Give up thinking you're not ready. A wise man has said, "We are always getting ready to live but never living." Nobody ever feels 100% ready when an opportunity arises. Because most great opportunities in life force us to grow beyond our comfort zones, which means we won't feel totally comfortable at first.
  • 12. Give up setting small goals for yourself. Most people set small goals because theyre afraid to fail. Sometimes we spend so much effort applauding the "baby steps" that we lose sight of the end.
  • 13. Give up trying to do everything by yourself. Sometimes I just need help! And its usually the hardest thing to ask for until after Ive really messed up.
  • 14. Give up buying things you don't need.. It doesnt help anything, wastes time and money, and we all know where it ends up anyway!
  • 15. Give up blaming others for your troubles. Just dont do it! When you blame others for what you're going through, you deny responsibility – and you give others power over that part of your life.
  • 16. Give up making mountains out of molehills. Just step over the molehill instead of trying to climb it. Save your energy for the big stuff!
  • 17. Give up trying to live up to the expectations of others. Youll never win. Work on it for real and exceed your own expectations.
  • 18. Give up the 'easy street' mentality. If you arent engaging in real life, then life really is passing you by. No amount of opinion spouting from the sidelines replaces diligent, focused, hard work and engagement.
  • 19. Give up making promises you can't keep. Sometimes things get in the way of our good intentions, but dont ever promise something you know will never happen.
  • 20. Give up letting your thoughts and feelings bottle up inside. People are not mind readers. They will never know how you feel unless you tell them.
  • 21. Give up beating around the bush. Learn to communicate effectively and with confidence. If you dont say what you mean and mean what you say you open up a lot of gaps that can be filled in the wrong way.
  • 22. Give up avoiding change. Its inevitable. Youll be happier if you anticipate it and learn to flow with it. Life really becomes an adventure when you learn to welcome it! But dont run from it.
  • 23. Give up your sense of entitlement. When the playing field is leveled, we are all equal in the eyes of God. Youll be happier if you stop thinking you deserve anything because of where you were born, what you do or who your parents are (etc). And, please, stop thinking that nobody else deserves anything either.
  • 24. Give up waiting until the last minute. If you are always running to catch up youll never get ahead. The only thing youll have to show for it all is the stress of contingencies and a pile of excuses.
  • 25. Give up being dramatic. Some people mistake the "rush" with adventure. Dont do it. Dont suck other people into your drama and dont jump into theirs.
  • 26. Give up being anti-athletic. Why is it so hard to get excited about something that is so beneficial to body, mind and soul? Make exercise a habit.
  • 27. Give up junk food. Have you noticed that healthy people usually have healthy diets? After all, it is generally known that we are what we eat.
  • 28. Give up eating as a means of entertainment. Don't eat when you're bored. Eat when you're hungry.
  • 29. Give up foolish habits that you know are foolish. And please, dont text and drive "An unfortunate thing about this world is that the good habits are much easier to give up than the bad ones." – W. Somerset Maugham
  • 30. Give up relationships with people who bring you down. Choose your friends from those who are encouraging, like-minded and seeking the good.
  • 31. Give up being shy. Introduce your self. Smile. Ask questions. Be real. You wont get far if you always wait for other people to make the first moves.
  • 32. Give up worrying about what others think of you. Some of us spend a lot of energy trying to escape stereotypes and then put even more effort into building our own box just by trying to anticipate what somebody else might think of us. Get out of that box!
  • 33. Give up trying to control everything. One of the greatest fears is being out of control. We pull other peoples strings to manipulate an outcome - or we allow someone else to pull ours. Its time to cut some of those binding ties!
  • 34. Give up doing the same thing over and over again. "If you do what youve always done, youll get what youve always gotten." -Tony Robbins
  • 35. Give up following the path of least resistance. Life just isnt easy. You can try to avoid the bumps and hurdles, but that road is empty and and the goal at the end will be worth the minimal effort - meaningless.
  • 36. Give up "persistent" multi-tasking. "Most of the time multitasking is an illusion. You think you are multitasking, but in reality youre actually wasting time switching from one task to another." – Bosco Tjan
  • 37. Give up thinking others are luckier than you. If you dont consider yourself "as lucky" consider whether you have worked as hard and played as smart. Then ask yourself if you really want someone elses end-goals to define your happiness.
  • 38. Give up filling every waking moment with commitments and activities. Learn to RELAX! Take some time to breathe and think.
  • 39. Give up making purely emotional decisions. How it feels is important - but, please dont let your emotions trump your intelligence when making life- changing decisions.
  • 40. Give up doing the wrong things just because you can get away with it. The cumulative effect of sneaking past your moral boundaries can be an inner turmoil that erodes your spirit or a steeling of your inner barometer that will warp your perception of right and wrong.
  • 41. Give up focusing on what you don't want to happen. When we look expecting the worst, we always see the worst in every situation first. The opposite is also true: Expect wonderful things today!
  • 42. Give up taking yourself so seriously. Often, other people are more gracious to our fumbles and foibles than we are to ourselves. Grab a little candor and learn to smile when you think others are laughing at you. Youll be surprised that the small stuff you sweated about doesnt really matter that much after all.
  • 43. Give up spending your life following a career path you're not passionate about. A job is a job and work is often hard. If youre going to make a career out of it, pursuing what you love to do will make it easier and probably more successful.
  • 44. Give up thinking about the things you don't have. Whether you have a little or a lot, you will always be unhappy if you believe that you dont have enough. Your whole outlook will change when you start saying "thanks" for what you do have!
  • 45. Give up doubting others. Many dreams have been dashed by peoples wet blankets of doubt. Become an encourager - or at least remember that the one who says it cant be done shouldnt interrupt the one who is trying to do it!
  • 46. Give up fussing with every beauty product on the market. Nothing can gloss over a cold, hard heart. Let your face smile, radiate your care for others, your joy of living and everything about you will seem beautiful.
  • 47. Give up trying to fit in. Most people try to fit in for acceptance - to be known; the truth is once you look and act like everyone else, everyone else will have an easier time ignoring you. Dont just blend in - be authentically unique!
  • 48. Give up trying to be different for the sake of being different. Have you noticed that people who try too hard to be different than everybody else usually end up conforming to another group of people who are trying to be different? Be yourself!
  • 49. Give up trying to avoid risk. Everything you do and everything you dont do has a risk. Dont hide from it - hiding isnt "risk free" either.
  • 50. Give up putting your own needs on the back burner. My mother is still reminding me that if you dont take care of yourself, you eventually wont be able to help anybody. Give yourself a little more opportunity for rest and youll probably get a lot more done.
  • 51. Bonus. Never give up on yourself. God doesn't. Jesus said it is a truth, that if you have faith even as small as a mustard seed, nothing good will be impossible for you. (Matthew 17:20) When we "give up" those traps and habits, we open new places for the joy, and power, and love, and all good things from the one who gives us strength.

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